Areas of Practice
Angela Galvis Schnuerle LL.M.
Angela Galvis Schnuerle was born in Colombia and obtained her Juris Doctorate from the William H. Bowen School of Law in Little Rock. She has a Master in Law from the Agricultural Law Center of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
"Angie" worked as Special Assistant for Hispanic Affairs for U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, where she advised, and implemented immigrant legislative platform, immigration policy and outreach programs for the Hispanic community. In 2012, she was appointed by the Government of Mexico as Consulting Attorney for the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock, and she works closely with the Consulate to meet the needs of Mexicans in Arkansas.
"Angie" is a Board member of the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce, and through that organization she has driven the development and empowerment of Latina women in the State, as well as organized the celebration of the International Women's Day the former First Lady of Mexico, Margarita Zavala participated. Angie has also assisted as Legal Counsel of the Mexican Restaurant Association and the Mexican Sports Association.
Angela Galvis Schnuerle’s experience with the private sector performing complex government contracts is an asset to her practice as well as her experience in the defense of immigrant rights related to unfair labor practices, insurance settlements, housing,and parental rights. Additionally, she was instrumental in the prosecution of a criminal network that defrauded more than 110 people of Hispanic origin in Arkansas, providing false immigration services.
Angela Schnuerle heads the fully bi-lingual firm Galvis Law, PLLC which focuses on finding optimal solutions for all their clients.
Member of the Arkansas Bar Association
Admitted to the US District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas
Certified Mediator by the state of Arkansas
Board of Directors of North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
LULAC Legal Counsel
Consulting attorney for the Mexican Consulate